Rate: 💖💖💖 1/2
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Favorite Quote: “You’re even better than I ever could have thought. All those months, thinking I’d never get to be with you – it was the worst torture…You’re even better than I ever could have thought. All those months, thinking I’d never get to be with you – it was the worst torture I could’ve imagined. I want to bury my mouth in between those thighs.”
Easily a 4 💖 read, but minus one because Arwen is about as annoying as getting a rock in your shoe mid-hike.
Arwen is your standard timid FMC—a healer with magic (because of course) who spends her days patching up the locals in Amber. After a long day of work her brother—who was supposed to be off fighting the war against Onyx— just bust in like he was on a weekend trip, complete with a suspiciously large bag of Onyx cash and the title of deserter. Naturally, the family decides the best course of action is to pack up and run for it. But when Arwen has to go back for her mom’s medicine (because, plot twist, Arwen can heal everyone except her own mom for reasons), she gets caught by enemy soldiers. Classic.
She survives by healing a dying soldier, which catches the attention of the commander, who promptly decides she’s valuable enough to gift-wrap for the Onyx King. Cue Arwen’s new life in an Onyx stronghold, where she spends her days loudly proclaiming the king is The Worst™ to literally anyone who will listen. Naturally, when she finally meets him, she’s instantly swooning, but hates him.
What follows is a series of encounters where they bond over… something? While the Onyx King is nothing but kind to her. But just when you think they’re getting somewhere, Arwen remembers she’s supposed to hate him and he’s evil and goes full moral high ground, reminding him (and us) every five seconds how much she despises him. Eventually, the Onyx King spills some big secrets, trusting Arwen with major political truths, which she immediately runs off and tells her new BFF because loyalty is for losers.
Then, just when you think the drama is winding down, the stronghold is attacked. Arwen learns the Onyx King has been keeping more secrets from her—shocking, I know—and instead of processing this like a normal person, she decides she hates him again, permanently this time (or so she says).
In summary: Arwen is the human embodiment of a broken compass, constantly spinning, and yet you can’t stop reading. Would recommend—just bring some patience and a glass of wine.