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Favorite quote: “I can feel what you’re feeling now and you are worth it.” – Jasper
Favorite quote: “I can feel what you’re feeling now and you are worth it.” – Jasper
This is the book that made me. No matter how many times I read it, I’ll never stop gushing about it—flaws and all. It may not be the best book ever written, but it’s a classic, a pop culture phenomenon, and my ultimate guilty pleasure read.
From Bella’s flat characterization to Edward’s dramatic brooding, every bit of Twilight still makes my heart swoon. I refuse to choose between Team Edward and Team Jacob—I love them both too much. These were the Book Boyfriends that filled my teenage world, from posters on my walls to Twilight-themed jewelry and merch. I was obsessed. I even wanted to name my future children after characters from the series (and, fun fact, now at 28 and newly a mom, Jasper was a serious contender on my name list!).
As much as it pains me, I can’t bring myself to give Twilight a full 5-heart rating. But despite its imperfections, this book is a must-read for any paranormal romance lover. Right alongside Harry Potter, it’s iconic, it’s nostalgic, and for me, it’s unforgettable.
Emotionally, this book is a 5 star read. Logistically, it’s 3. So we meet in the middle at 4.